125 livestock list


i plan on having the following
1. sailfin tang
2. hippo tang
3.naso tang
4. powder blue tang or powder brown
(* all tangs are different genus and general body color/ shape so according to many sources they should get along)
5.coral beauty
6. racoon butterfly
7.maroon clowns
8. emperor or queen angel
The tank has 100 lbs of lr
this will be a fowlr
input and suggestions would be nice


IMO. I think you will have to many tangs in the tank. I have a 125 and only keep one disjardnii tang in it. The reason is that they need alot of room to play...

Other people have more than one tang in there system, so I guess it would be ok tho. What about the angels. will they get along too? I have a pigmy angel and was told not to add another to my system. they will fight. :notsure:


these fish are gona get huge - 125 is the minimum tank size for some of thse fish - but when they get bigger the minimum tank size will grow to 180, 210 - i've got a 125 i wanna put a sailfin or a emperor in their so bad but i look at max size and imo i would just feel bad to have that thing cramped up in my tank.


just curious but whats your cleanup crew / shrimp crew? always like to know what anohter 125g keeper is holding...


cool - i have 1 conch wanted to buy one more though they are awesome - i have about 25 hermits 25 snails total - turbos rock in large aquariums.


Originally Posted by saltfish123
i have 50 hermit crabs
10 turbo snails and 4 conchs
3 peppermint shrimp

Yea my butt u have all tht u lier u have like 2 snails 3 hermit crabs and a conch


Originally Posted by saltfish123
mikeyman do u suggest a live brine shrimp hatcher for it to work
of course 1000% do i recommened a brine shrimp hatcher