125 Pictures/Suggestions



yeah I definitely agree with the damsel advice. They look so innocent but are really a vicious fish. I had a couple that beat up on my 15 inch snowflake eel!


Active Member
Originally Posted by TheGrog
I do a 15 gallon water change every 10 days using Reef Crystals. I also will use a Kalk drip about once a week as I have a few SPS that suck up calcium. It stays around 400 so no need to do it more often. Other than that, no other supplements.
If you notice in the pics where the lights are off, you can see the dead base rock that I used when setting up my tank. That was in late July (5-1/2 months ago). You can't tell which ones were base now!! I must be doing something right!

k, thanks!! I have a 55gal and have been doing 5gal water changes every week, and been adding magnicium, and calcium. I'm just starting to see little signs of it poping up so hopefully mine will take off like yours!
And WOW!!! I had no idea that domino's had been knowned to do that!
