125 reef diary.Upgrading from a 55


My clam was not much smaller when i got him. My lights are the Current outer orbit pro series 2 250w metal halides 4 48 inch t5 actnics 9 blue leds and 9 white leds.


Active Member
just wondering - having the 4ft fixture in a 6 ft tank - would having a 6 ft fixture make a big difference (other than cost)?


I think a 6 ft fixture only has 1 more metal halide but it would make The shadows from the tank supports go away. I will upgrade the lights when I get some cash saved for them.


Well It Has Been Almost A Year Since The Last Pics. Here Are Some Pics Of The Tank Now. It Has Been Alot Of Work And Some $$$ . Its Worth The Time And $ Especially When I Hear The Input From All Of You At Saltwaterfish.com.



Active Member
I like it alot. Tanks make fantastic room dividers!
My only coment is the wiring you put in the sump...I think its great..but are you concerned with boxes like that inside where saltwater can corrode? I ask because I am tempted to do the same when I make my own system.


Active Member
i saw you have a vortech pump. how do you like it? i was just wondering because ordered one and its coming this week