125 reef tank.. parting livestock


Active Member
for PA members or people who want to drive
my whole reef tank is for sale.. parting everythign out.. please go to fragswapper or NCPARS website to view the details.. all my corals live rock, tank etc. etc.
if not email me at psusocr@aol.com

ledzep fan

Active Member
Im sorry but i cant find any pictures or any information. Could you give a direct link? Also, will you ship?


Active Member
oh boy.. everyoen is going to have to email me...i have WAYYY to many corals , equiptment, pumps, sumps, live rock, fish etc. etc. to list...if you email me i can give you the direct links to the sites..or i will eventually put alot of pics up on here , just be patient with me im trying... there are soo many more corals int he pics that you cant se or are "hidin" or dont stick out.. theres alot of corals for sale so just let me know what you may be interested in.. also some of the rocks have over 50 coral son them such as shrooms or polyps just ask me and i can sell the whole peice of live roc k with everythign attached


ledzep fan

Active Member
Is that a candy cane i see in the the first post second pic to the right? Will you ship? How much for the candy cane (if thats what it is)?