125 Reef Tank


New Member
This tank is only about a year old. I have flowerpots splitting in it, a huge rose anenome that has split, and as you can see quite a few different cool things. I'm new to this forum, so i dont know how to attach multiple pictures. If someone will tell me how i will post a few close ups on each part of the tank.
The tank has 3 175watt 10,000k halides and 2 70inch VHO 110watt actinics. I also have a chiller on it and a G3 skimmer.
The tank seeme to do really well and i haven't lost much at all.
Let me know what you all think.


Active Member
Here I go being a "know it all" but gonioporas do not split...they may bud off, and this isn't the way they normally would reproduce. They release sperm/eggs normally....they may bud off, and it's usually called "polyp bail out" when things aren't right and the coral is in distress. I just didn't want anyone new to the hobby to think gonis (flowerpots) were easy to keep, and that they will reproduce and thrive....If all was well, your flowerpot would release sperm or eggs as they would normally to reproduce in nature....not drop new polyps. Good news is that I have heard people say that the new polyps did live on. Once again......not trying to be a know it all, and not trying to bring you down....I am simply sharing, and have no other motives other than letting new folks know that gonis are virtually impossible to keep longer than 12-18 months.......some have gone longer, but most have died even much sooner.....Your tank looks very nice BTW...very colorful and clean.:)


New Member
just wanted to say thanks to everyone who checked out my tank. i used a Kodak 4.0 mega pixel camera.
ill have to "fish out" a few more good pics for you all.
thanks again