125 Set Up Questions

salty james

Morning !
I have set up my 125g (iron stand), and it is currently cycling. I am using 2 EMP 400 filters thinking of purchasing 2 Seaclone 100 protein skimmer. Since the tank has a iron stand (that goes with the decor in the house) my filtration options are limited....
Any suggestions on additional filtration?? does this sound like enough ?? (triggers / puffer from 55g are going in slowly as soon as tank is done cycling)
Any ideas on order of adding the triggers / puffer to 125g.
(Picasso 3" / Niger 3" / Blue line 2" / Dogface 5")
Thank you for the help,


Active Member
Add dogface, niger, picasso, blue-line. The blue-line will eventually outgrow the tank. They are also very beligerant, and you will need to move him before he matures and starts bulling others. Also keep a close eye on the puffer. Triggers and puffers usually don't mix. Bo


Slightly off topic but I got my 125gallon today too. All that I have to say is "oh my God. it is VERY VERY heavy!" lol
The empty tank has to be at least 150 lbs and I'm willing to bet it's over 200. Ouch.

salty james

Anyone have any comments about the 125 filtration ?
2 EMP 400s & 2 SEA CLONE 100s ?
The tank has 3' of DSB, and a bunch of white & red
(dead) coral...
Thank you for the help,


Yeah look into a bigger better skimmer, and what i use on my 125 aggressive tank is a modified aquaclear that i removed the media and media basket and added a 1/2 layer of sand from one of my reefs and got some small peices of live rock and piled them all up in there. now it looks like a mini refugium, I've got coralline covering all of the insides of the filter and the rocks in the filter are totall covered in it. Occasionally a few copepods was ot of it and you can see the Bursa and the Huma off to the races trying to beat each other to the snack! Try a canister filter, do use some good lr in the tank!