125 stock list


New Member
I have:
2ft Zebra eel
2ft leopard eel (what it said at fish store, but I think it might be a chain-link)
2 Blue throat triggers (male and female)
1 Hawaiian Spotted Puffer
1 Sargassum Frogfish
1 Chocolate chip star
1 Anemone Hermit crab
6 zebra hermits(I think)
None bother each other. I haven't set up the 125 yet, but very soon it will be going. I want a couple more fish, but not sure what yet. Any suggestions?


i would really get rid of the frogfish because he can fit down any fish that is twice his size. some tangs would look really nice


New Member
I know about the frog fishes diet. He has eaten a couple fish I didn't want him to already. For some reason though he hasn't bothered the ones he is with now. I do keep him fed well. I'm thinking about riding myself of the "pretty fish" I have in my 75 gallon and putting him in by himself.