Originally posted by jwtrojan44
What exactly IS your plan? You really have no method. I have to chuckle because yesterday you rebutted one of my posts, saying you prefer to stock "conservatively", and now you're planning to put yet another potentially large fish in a 40 gallon tank. The issue here is you post incessantly hoping to get the response you want. One of the nice things about the internet, is that eventually, you'll find someone to agree with you, and then you can validate your POV. Many well intentioned folks have given you a lot of good advice but you don't listen until you find that one person who agrees with you. In casually looking back at some of your posts, it is evident that you really have little idea what direction to head in, and yet you give out advice based on your own limited experience. Until you catch a breath and listen to some of the more knowledgeable people on this board, you're going to continue to be frustrated and have a bad hobby experience yourself. I recall several threads where people were wailing on you and I actually felt a bit sorry for you, but it is understandable given the fact that you simply don't want advice unless it's the advice you want? Make sense?
Why not stop buying fish that are going to outgrow your 40 gallon tank. What pleasure is there in trading them in once they've hit maturity. That's when you should want to keep them and enjoy the knowledge that you've brought them to that point.
It really is difficult to attempt to offer any suggestions. You merely counter the help with some sort of compromise or ignore it in favor of someone telling you that your decsions are good, when they're not.
If I sound harsh, I can live with that. I just feel that if you're going to get anywhere in this hobby and not kill a bunch of beautiful fish, you need to realize that there are people who can tell you thing to get/keep you on track. Disregarding them only makes them not want to help.
I agree a 100%.