125+ tank help

i am planning on getting a 125 so i can house tangs in a 6 foot tank. but im wondering if i should go bigger. tangs only need a 6 foot tank right? or would it be better to get a bigger tank. the main reason i dont want to is the cost of rock sand etc. it will be a 125 gal tank with a 55 gal sump/fuge=180 gallons of water.


Active Member
Bigger the better I say.
I'm looking to go 240 8ft long, but this will have to be my only other tank so I'm going as big as I have room for.


Active Member
I have a 125, 6' long tank and I just got my first tang, a Blue Hippo (in QT). I'll also be getting a Yellow Tang and either a Sailfin Tang or an Achilles, still havn't decided. I wouldn't do more than three tangs though, if you want more, get a larger tank. I bought my 125 because I knew I wanted Tangs. Some people have them in 75 gallon, but IMO they are better off in a 125 or larger. Good luck and have fun!
Edit: I didn't stack my rockwork up all the way to the top, for the main reason I was going to have Tangs and I wanted them to have plenty of room. My entire tank is basically being built for the Tangs, everything else is secondary.



Originally Posted by azfishgal
I have a 125, 6' long tank and I just got my first tang, a Blue Hippo. I'll also be getting a Yellow Tang and either a Sailfin Tang or an Achilles, still havn't decided. I wouldn't do more than three tangs though, if you want more, get a larger tank. I bought my 125 because I knew I wanted Tangs. Some people have them in 75 gallon, but IMO they are better off in a 125 or larger. Good luck and have fun!
if you're going with the yellow tang..do not get the sailfin...same body type, i'd go with the achilles.
i have a 6ft as well...i have a kole, hippo, and a yellow and for a while was considering a naso
but i believe my tang gang is fine the way it is, especially since i'm converting it from a FOWLR to a reef tank soon


Active Member
Originally Posted by JamParty
if you're going with the yellow tang..do not get the sailfin...same body type, i'd go with the achilles.
Actually I know several people who have the Hippo, Yellow, and Sailfin (not the Redsea) and they all do fine. But I'm thinking the Achilles has a reall nice look to him. Besides, I already have two black and white stripped fish (my two Cardinals) so adding another color combination might be nice.
I was also thinking of a Naso, but still not sure. I understand they can be aggressive to other Tangs, not sure if anyone else has experienced that or not, it's just what I read.


Originally Posted by azfishgal
Actually I know several people who have the Hippo, Yellow, and Sailfin (not the Redsea) and they all do fine. But I'm thinking the Achilles has a reall nice look to him. Besides, I already have two black and white stripped fish (my two Cardinals) so adding another color combination might be nice.
I was also thinking of a Naso, but still not sure. I understand they can be aggressive to other Tangs, not sure if anyone else has experienced that or not, it's just what I read.

i had a blonde naso for 3 years before i went to school and my tank went to holy hell.
thing about naso's is they like a very controlled atmosphere.
they aren't necessarily aggressive as much as they are easily ticked off. in my case, i had a very aggressive tank and there were always fish chasing other fish. once i put the naso in there, that all stopped...especially since he was the biggest fish. think of them as the fun police


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
Actually I know several people who have the Hippo, Yellow, and Sailfin (not the Redsea) and they all do fine. But I'm thinking the Achilles has a reall nice look to him. Besides, I already have two black and white stripped fish (my two Cardinals) so adding another color combination might be nice.
I was also thinking of a Naso, but still not sure. I understand they can be aggressive to other Tangs, not sure if anyone else has experienced that or not, it's just what I read.

I dont think nasos are aggressive but I read they get way too big for a 125. I plan on getting an achilles tang in the very far future because the are exremely difficult to keep. An amazing fish though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kevin34
I dont think nasos are aggressive but I read they get way too big for a 125. I plan on getting an achilles tang in the very far future because the are exremely difficult to keep. An amazing fish though.

What makes them difficult to keep?


due to the fact that they have a very think slime coat and just like the hippo and powder blue tang they are ick magnents. also they are usually found in the surf zones in hawai so it would be best to get a wave maker in the tank to attemp to simulate it. they need a great diet as you probably know of like nori,greens,ect. Also they do not ship well and cannot handle being scooped in a net. if you are going to get one i would suggest you ask ur lfs if they can get one from hawai and ask if they can get one that has been collected at night with no nets.


Originally Posted by azfishgal
What makes them difficult to keep?
I don't think blonde naso are hard to keep and they are not agressive at all. I have a 125gl with a lof of tangs, but they were all small when I bought it but they grew like crazy.....I will soon exchange almost all of them for small ones, starting a new beginning.
The boss of all my tangs is for sure my Powder Blue, doesn't take crap from anyone...And than is my Sohal, and the rest of the gang....
PS: I would never encourage anyone to put as many tangs I did, I was a novice and I believe I lucked out on them. They don't fight, but sometimes there is that chase me thing, besides they all live happily.


Originally Posted by JamParty
if you're going with the yellow tang..do not get the sailfin...same body type, i'd go with the achilles.
i have a 6ft as well...i have a kole, hippo, and a yellow and for a while was considering a naso
but i believe my tang gang is fine the way it is, especially since i'm converting it from a FOWLR to a reef tank soon
The general rule of thumb is to mix tang body types. With that being said I have a Yellow and a Sailfin in a 125 and everyone is happy.

I'm sure there will be some one with a different experience, I'm just sharing mine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by UKCATS
The general rule of thumb is to mix tang body types. With that being said I have a Yellow and a Sailfin in a 125 and everyone is happy.

I'm sure there will be some one with a different experience, I'm just sharing mine.
I think it also has to do with the fish itself. Some will get a long, some won't, no matter what the books say. So some times you just have to see what happens.
With that said though, I would never put a trigger in my tank.


I too have lucked out with tangs in my tank. I have a 100 gallon and have kept a blonde naso, hippo, yellow, and gold rim for about a year now. I pushed my luck by gettign a powder blue but got rid of him due to him getting beat down by the gold rim. BTW...i'm done with fish in my tank now. All are heathly and big fat bigs, especially the naso and hippo. I know everyone says not to put that many tangs in a tank that small but the fish are not full grown yet. Even though the hippo is really starting to grow.