125 update


:) :)
Thanks for the comments everyone.
DVS: i plan to add about 30-40 more lbs of LR. i think that will make a nice look and still leave swimming room for those tangs.
Melissa and Nerdy: that boxfish has the best personality of all my fish. he is always following me around begging for food. i would recommend anyone to get one of these if a spacious tank is available :D i've had this one for a year now and he's been very hardy.
thanks again all :cool:



Originally posted by fishtanker
:) :) he is always following me around begging for food.

My HumaHuma Trigger is the same! As Scott W. Michael states in his book "Marine Fishes", ... "A species for... anyone who desires a fish that thinks it's a dog"
He's so right!!!
My dogs are jealous!!!