125 what fish would you add

i have a large lion and i had to get rid of my catshark . she was going after the lion fish so i got rid of her, i was planning to get a bigger tank but did want my lion to get killed. had plans to get a bigger tank after the new year.well now i got a pinktail trigger, wanting a angel or a tang or both whats would you go for .


i think the bolnde naso would work but powder blues are ich magnets from what i heard i think a clown trigger would pick at the lion because there aggresive (i think)
not to sure jst saying wut i have heard or you could do a school of yellow tangs or a sailfin tang or a scopas tang or a doctor fish ahh theres soo many too choose from!


Active Member
Originally Posted by V-Lioness
Go with the tang, the large angels are known to pick at lions.........

Large angels tend to constantly nip at lions, eventually killing the, and a passer is about as mean as they get.


Active Member
Originally Posted by clowntrigger2k
i was thinking of a power blue tang or a blonde naso and a clowntrigger or passer king angel . what do you think

Clown Triggers are nasty when it comes to aggression, Powder Blues are ick magnets A 125 would not house a full grown naso..Not sure on the angel though
true about the naso so i think i,ll go with a powder brown. the angel i,am thinking of a emperor instead of the passer, but i love the passer . crazy thing the lion is cashing the pinktail so i might have to relocate the trigger
well santa brought me a guineafowl puffer sweet fish .very active and very very friendly eating out of my hand already .i,ll have pics soon
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Very nice......Passers are awesome angels....Nice puffer too (Guineafowl????).
yes thanks the pinktail tail tried to show the angel who is king. the passer put him in his place real fast they are staying away from each other .well th pinktail is scared of the angel right now things should cool down in a couple days. he was like that with the puffer and now they are buddys