125g FOWLR stock list help


This is my first SW tank. It is a 125 gallon FOWLR with about 120lbs of Fiji (taken from an established tank), a 4-5" DSB, and a Seaclone 150 skimmer. It's been up for about a month and all my parameters check out. I have 6 Green Chromis that have been in there for about a week. I also have the beginnings of a cleanup crew... some various snails, scarlet hermits, etc. and I just added a Scooter Blenny. I now know the Blenny may not of been a wise choice at the moment but it was kind of a spur of the moment thing(won't happen again) and the worker at the LFS assured me it would be fine. He did eat some flake food today so I'm just going to keep an eye on him and see how it goes.
So, so far I have...
6 Green Chromis
1 Scooter Blenny
Other fish to be added slowly...
2 False Percula Clownfish
1 Flame Angel
1 Blue Tang
1 large angel (thinking about an Emperor)
What do you think of my list? What else, if anything, could I add? Any suggestions? Thanks! :)

tru conch

Active Member
it looks like you have a good stocking list
i would add the angels last, first the dwarf (flame) then the full size. i would maybe think about another full size angel instead of an emperor, one that is maybe a little hardier. i dont have much personal experience with full size angels, so i cant give you and suggestions, but i hth. good luck with your new set up.


Thanks for the input guys! I'm still not sure what kind of large angel I want. I've done alot of reading on the Emperor and I did find that it is a difficult fish. The large angel is going to be the last fish I put in so I have some time to decide.
Good news on the Scooter Blenny. Today he ate a bunch of frozen brine shrimp. I'm also considering adding a refugium as well.