

New Member
you think the clown and the lion would be ok? my friend has a lion and several clarkii clowns in a 75. im amazed thier not lunch!


Active Member
FO or Reef?
My Reef has:
2- Tomato Clowns
Six Line
Scooter Blinny
Lawnmower Blinny
Purple Tang
Blue & Yellow Damsel
No plans for anything else...

nm reef

Active Member
jumpfrog....that looks like a heavily stocked 125...I'm not being critical. Just curious about how that thing is filtered. From the list of fish and ells you can't have much of a clean-up crew. I'm just curious about how you manage to maintain that bad boy!!
It certainly looks healthy and well maintained...and like I said...not being critical...just curious.



Reef tank:
maroon clown, 2 inches
flame angel, 3.5 inches
sailfin tang, 3.5 inches
melanarous wrasse 4 inches
tassled filefish 1.5 inches
orchid dottyback 2.5 inches
2 yellow tail damsels 1.5 inch each
jewel damsel 1.5 inch


Active Member
Sohal tang, hippo, yellow tang, emperor angel, flame hawk fish, spotted hawk fish, and watchman goby. All doing great!


Active Member

Originally posted by jumpfrog
These guys plus a SFE, Zebra Moray, Unkown Moray and Wolf Eel.

Excellent thought... and you know what... I have just the SFE for YOU... lol...
Well what are you interested in. With a 75 you can get a decent selection. Is there a fish you want information on?


Active Member
NMReef; No sweat man. You're actually a bit of an inspiration for me. Like your take on tangs. What's working for me is some dedicated water change routines, heavy skimming and large wet dry. Checked my numbers Sunday and the nitrates are up a bit as expected but everything else is fine. I'm going to keep with the water changes and heavy skimming and see how it goes. I suspect we'll need to reduce the load some in time. The plan is a 300 in about 2 years. IWe're building a house and it will be a built in system. If these guys continue growing at their current rate I think we'll be ok.


120 Gal FOWLR
1 Yellow tang
1 Blue tang
1 Sailfin tang
3 chromis
1 cleaner wrass
1 tomato clown
1 sleeper gobie
1 scooter blenny
1 bicolor blenny
1 coral banded shrimp
emerald crabs, snails, blue and scarlet leg hermits
Wet/Dry filter w bioballs
5+” DSB