12g Aquapod vs 14g Bio-cube


Ok, I've decided on one of these two systems. Which is better? The Aquapod has more light but the biocube is a little bigger (and made by Oceanic)


Active Member
Originally Posted by lxoxsxi
If you're worried about the light, you can get more for the biocube down the road. Here's a link to add another pc light.
At 72W for a 14g BioCube, could you have annome's at that point?


Active Member
Originally Posted by lxoxsxi
If you're worried about the light, you can get more for the biocube down the road. Here's a link to add another pc light.
You should erase the link before the mods see it.
I was thinking about adding the extra PC to my biocube, but I decided on buying a sunpod metal halide... then I can have an anemone and clams.
Really both are great, but since they do run around the same price I would get the biocube ( since it's bigger) if one is cheaper than the other then go with the cheaper one.


New Member
At 72W for a 14g BioCube, could you have annome's at that point?
Not sure.. I'm by far too much of a newb to be answering that, but i'm sure someone will come along with your answer soon. But, if money is of no concern and you want to maintain the stock look, I suspect this will let ya.
I'm debating one the two for my new 14g bc or also one of these.