12g aquapod


New Member
I have a 12g aquapod with a clown, clean up crew, and small cuc. as for the corals i have a ricordia mushrom and a couple button polyps. I need help stocking and just wanted a couple of suggestion on easy ways to brighten the tank. I was thinking of getting a star fish?? Does anyone have any suggestions on corals for a beginer in the coral area?


Could add some zoo's, maybe a small leather. Not sure on stocking wise, some people don't like clowns in 12gallons but a good tankmate for them are firefish, just not sure if you have the room, maybe a clown goby.


About the only starfish that are appropriate for a 12 gallon tank are the little white asterina stars, and the little mini brittle stars. Mini brittle stars are great for a clean up crew and they always have their little legs peaking out of the crevices. They won't add tons of color though and are very small. Anything larger will starve and die.
I think all of the coral suggestions so far are really good. Definitely give some xenia a shot. It is about as hard to grow as dandelions in most tanks and its motion is a great addition to nearly any tank. For color I'm kind of partial to the riccordias, but there are tons of very brightly colored zoas out there as well.
Skunk cleaner shrimp, fire cleaner shrimp, or pederson cleaner shrimp are all great options. They will add color and motion to a tank. A coral banded is a nice addition as well, but it will kill most other shrimp including other coral bandeds unless they are a mated pair.
The colored feather dusters are great as well. They are easy to care for and nice looking. Everyone seems to notice them right away as they are familiar to most people too.


you could do a coco worm (i think its called)
Xenia's multiply really fast and will sometimes take over the tanks but if you can keep them under control then they would be a great addition


New Member
thanks for all the suggestions. i am going today after work to pick something out so i will let everyone know what i get, maybe get a couple of pics up here