12g nano pics


Active Member
hey heres some pics of my 12g nano
4 scarlet hermi's
1 blue leg
2 turbo snail
3 nasseris snails ( killed spelling i know )
coral banded shrimp (king of the tank)
condi ( i believe its a carribean condi )
roughly 8-10 lbs of LR
had 2 skunk clowns but died mysteriously 3 weeks ago so i got a damsel this last sunday



thats a shame about the clowns. damsels are a good choice if your looking for hardiness. at least you have condi rice in there still. shes awesome. chuh.


Active Member
50/50 lights
condi just looks big cuz the rocks are small and dense and he just ate so he was in full bloom
here are two full shots and one side view, along with a clear view of the protien skimmer
