12G Nano sand bed question????


Hi! I am not really new to the boards but new to being a nano owner
. Anyway, in the process of setting it up now and we purchased a 20 lb. bag of live sand-put about 3/4 of the bag in and was wondering what the proper depth for a nano is. The bed is appx 1 1/4 deep now and I think a really deep sand be might pose some problems? Not sure...can someone answer that for us? Thanks in advance


No responses? Oh well, we put it all in and have about a 2" bed now-hope that is fine. Anyway doing our stock list and would like your opinions..
12 G Nano(1 Month away):
Pr. B/W perc clowns
Neon Goby
Barbershop Goby
Pistol Shrimp
CUC-5 nass, 2 turbos, 1 mithrax (red?)
Polyps, shrooms, etc


Active Member
And keep the top on and the back chambers blocked off from the display. Neon Gobies are jumpers IME.