12g Nano


So i've just got some upgraded lighting for my 12g Eclipse. I just took the whole top off and put a Current Single Satellite Compact Fluorescent Fixture on it with a 40watt 10000°K daylight and 460 nanometer actinic bulb. I currently only have a Cardinal, Percula clown, Green Clown goby, and a Red Scooter Blenny, plus a feather duster who just dropped its crown. What type of easy corals would I be able to keep under this kind of lighting? I'm trying to get some ideas so I can start planing what I want to get. Should I have gone with the Dual compact with the 2-40watt bulbs, or would that have been too much for a small tank like that. I didn't want the lighting to heat up the tank. Any input is appreciated!


Active Member
Sorry I can't help you with an answer about the lighting because I'm a newbie myself (with an Eclipse 12) but I'm curious as to how your water parameters are with four fish in there? I was assuming that when I stocked my tank I would be maxed out at two small ones since there is probably only 10 gallons of actual water in these tanks. Are the fish doing OK?


Active Member
2 40s woulda been great. But id start off with some softies and zoas to see how things are doing. then maybe some LPS


The fish are doing great everyone eats well and gets along well. Water parameters are fine, i just it last night. Any input on getting a small anemone for the clown? Will the lighting be enough for it? I'm going to upgrade my filter on the tank and I'd like to see what everyone reccommends. It only has the standard eclipse filter on it. I've heard that you don't need a bio wheel for SW?


How much LR do you have? I have had my Eclipse 12 for a year now and never changed out the filter. I have 15 lbs lr and 10lbs ls. My biowhell does fine, I have never removed it. Why would you remove them? I would say stay with the system that is in there, IMO it is fine, mine is. I did add a Koralia power head #1 for more flow in the system though.


Active Member
Most people end up removing the biowheel because without proper maintenance they will become a nitrate factory. If it were me I would do one of two things. First you could make it into a small fuge with some macroalgae and a clip-on or submersible light. Second you could add some chemipure elite and purigen into it. Either way you would need to gut the HOB, by removing the useless biowheel. Then just make sure you have a koralia 1 in there for circulation. That's it very easy and cheap too


I don't really see how you would turn the "suspended" filter tray into a fuge, getting rid of the wheel would do nothing for that, and there is too much flow in the filter tray to add macro and have it stay there, unless you added some sort of screen to keep it from getting washed down into your DT. Wheels are not like balls where there are "dead" areas of circulation which would create a "nitrate factory", and in addition, the wheel, as it turns, breaks the water surface repeatedly, allowing oxygen to be introduced into the water. Why take that away? Just my opinion, but it works for me...