12gal nano reef


hey this is a pic of my 12gal nano reef it has about 17lbs of lr and a few pieces of coral... also i have some green star polyps in there and there is a piece that i fraged but its so small u cant see it so what else should i do to make this tank look better



yea i have 17lbs of lr in there...green star polyps...royal gramma...blue damselfish...3 snails...and a few plants but they are small and thats all i can thank of.
equipment list: 1 96watt coralife fixture, (hob)refuge, 2 powerheads, 1 75watt heater.... and i also have a 24watt refuge light on order and a 20inch moon light strip.


damn your tank is nice! i have a ten gallon. i really like your rocks and how the color matches your sand.... or is it crushed coral? whatever it is it looks great!


it's doing just fine....i just put it on a new stand that looks much better than the other one and much sturdier


thanks arsen 36 i've did lots of work to get it loking this good....could you post a pic of your 10gal if you will... also i have cc in my 12gal nano reef


i have 2 rio 50 power heads
1 50watt heater (small but works pretty good)
1 aqua clear 20 power filter that i turned into a HOB refuge thanks to reefdude!

1 20 watt 50/50 coral life actinics
about 20lbs of live rock
10lbs of live sand
a hair algea out brake

no live stock except a yellow sponge i got as a hitchiker
and has cycled and up and running for a little over two months
well there it is! not much but i put a great deal of work into it. i used to have a purple psuedochromis in there but he killed any other fish i put in with him so i sold him. i dose weekly with vitachem and thats all folks



some type of hawk fish..... anyone know what it is? it's about 1.5 in long and very fat! got him for 6 bucks. it was just labeled "hawk fish" so i don't know :notsure:


Arsen 36....so how do you go about makeing a filter into a refug? I have a ten as well and i think it could use more filtration, i am tired of doing one to two water changes a week.
I think I should get more rock, because i only have 10lbs...I am just nervose to do that because my last tank the bottom fell out....total disaster,
but somehow only lost a jawfish and hermits and snails.
Nice tank thou, i like the rock set up, i gotta redo mine somehow, it isnt working too well. :happyfish


look on page 2 of the nano tread and find "Attention arsen 36" Its a link that explains how to do it, also you can search for "HOB refuge" on this site


Thats a spotted Hawkfish. I just picked one up last week at my LFS. He is awesome. He follows me around the tank like a dog or cat.


Originally Posted by swishy
Arsen 36....so how do you go about makeing a filter into a refug? I have a ten as well and i think it could use more filtration, i am tired of doing one to two water changes a week.
I think I should get more rock, because i only have 10lbs...I am just nervose to do that because my last tank the bottom fell out....total disaster,
but somehow only lost a jawfish and hermits and snails.
Nice tank thou, i like the rock set up, i gotta redo mine somehow, it isnt working too well. :happyfish
yeah dude heres the link!
trust me.... it helps! good luck