12gal nano reef


Originally Posted by Darthlobi
Thats a spotted Hawkfish. I just picked one up last week at my LFS. He is awesome. He follows me around the tank like a dog or cat.
lol! now that the fish is settled.... he fallows me EVERY where expecting food!


just a question. how much am i suppost to feed my fish (hawk fish)? i use frozen brine shrimp and so far i break of a chunk from the little square tablets. and am i suppost to thaw it out or do i just throw it in there frozen? :notsure:


Thanks for hte link to the make your own fuge thing....really helpful, I am def. going to make one! :happyfish


Originally Posted by swishy
Thanks for hte link to the make your own fuge thing....really helpful, I am def. going to make one! :happyfish
it's easier than you think! i made mine in like 10 minutes and only used some super glue, scissors and a razor although the razor wasnt to necessary. i made mine different. i didn't use silicone except on one part (where you glue the screen looking thing but i used super glue). i also ended up using one the side of my filter canister instead of using acrilic to block things from going towards the fan. i still don't have cheato in it though
. but i do have a small peice of rock and some sand. i still have some filter media on it though. a bio bag disposable canister filter and a carbon filter. i have noticed some amphipods in there so im guessing that they are reprodicing
hers some pics! hope they help.



oh and what can i put in a ten gallon tank that will eat hair algae and is compatable with an aggresive hawkfish? :notsure:


yea wla1610 its a (hob)refuge and the company that makes it is aquafuge you can find them on ***********.com they have a nice selection to choose from i paid about 100.00 for my refuge and its a small size but it works very well if you were to get one i would consider one getting one like this one


Thats what i thought. I'm debating it. I'd probably have issues with my aquapod though due to the back compartment. Who knows :)