12gallon questions


New Member
I have a 12 gallon nano with metal hallide lighting, a couple snails and some live rock. I would like to put in a small clam, maybe a small gorgonian, some kind of plate coral and maybe a lobster. I was just wondering if this was possible and if i already have the right gear for making it possible. any comments, pictures or concerns would be appreciated.


Active Member
It sounds like your tank is new so I would hold off on the clam and the gorgonian until your tank gets more established. And the lobster will get to big for a 12g. The plate coral should be fine to add though. Be sure to get a small one because they can get pretty big.


New Member
how long do you think until i could get a clam or gorgonian? Its coming up on four weeks. And if you have any other suggestions on corals or inverts to get please tell.


Active Member
I would wait a few months. Make sure that you get your calcium up. Since you wanted a lobster, you should check out a pistol shrimp. Theres a lot of corals that you can choose from, some good beginner corals are zoathids and mushrooms.