13 month old reef water quality question


I have a 20g tank with 25 lbs LR, 20lbs LS in it. I have 130 watts PC light, a protien skimmer rated for up to a 100g tank, a filter with no media in it, just for water movement, a power head and heater.
2 false percs (about 1" in length each)
1 lawnmower blenny
1 blue linkia star
several turbo snails
several blue leg hermits
1 coral banded shrimp
1 med colony of zenia
1 med colony of orange polyps
1 sm ricordia
2 sm feather dusters
1 branch of gorgonia
several sm mushrooms
This small tank has been a struggle to keep, nitrates are always high, some corals wont live in it at all where others do very nicely, I tried to keep a seabe for my clowns but that did not survive.
Im still in my learning process and sometimes it is painful and expensive. I need some advise and knowledge from the more experianced reefers on this site please.
I just tested my water after a 20% water change last night please give me your thoughts on my readings-
DKH - 6.7
Ammonia- 0
Salinity- 34PPT
Water temp-80.3
I have been using oceanic salt since I started my tank in Oct 05, but after reading thru many posts on here that may not be a wise decision for future water changes.
I do a 20% water change weekly, only feed twice a week. Lights are on a timer with 8 hours run time per day.
I will post some pictures after I download them.
Please give me your opinions.... I want to improve my tank and make it more beautiful than it is now, also with my lighting what types of corals can i keep?


Whats it take to get a response around here? IM looking for help and advise and I get not replys... 38 people have looked at tis post yet no one can comment on my water quality... Im trying to get some information, but I guess no one has any input to contribute.


You didnt say if u are using RO water in ur tank, ur tap water probably is loaded with nitrates, i would test the water u are using. Bring ur PH up alittle bit to 8.3, and ur calcium should be about 450 or so i dont know if u are dosing any calcium but i would say dont. Ocenic salt has a very high calcium rate so u dont have to dose any in ur tank. With ur lights u can keep softies, leather corals and some lps. That yellow coral u have there really cant tell looks kind of like a carnation coral but take my word on it not really sure.