135 gal stocking issue


well my issue is i like to many fish and cant have them all. i need some help and advise to what to get and why or why not. i like more not so common species as well.
i like puffers, but dont know which one to get. or 2 to get
groupers, i would like to have a panther or a mintas
lion, i like the black volitan, radiata, and antenneta lions
eels, wow that a big one. i definalty dont know which one to get. i like so many.
large angel, i would like an emperor the most. but do like alot of the others.
triggers, i would like a trigger in there as well.
tangs, i was kinda thinking a cheveron tang.
wrasses, some of those are awesome as well
you guys give me some suggestions if possible. thanks in advance.


Active Member
A dogface would be nice. Have one my 125. Also have a sailfin tang which makes a beautiful specimen.
Good luck stocking. It's the best part!


Scribbled Arothron Puffers are pretty cool.
Lion- Well if you are going to have Triggers and Puffers i would suggest not getting one but if you have your heart set on it i would get a Black Volitan or Russelss. Russells actually look a lot better than the pics on supplier sites. They are pretty active too.
Eel. Hawaiian Dragon Eel! Or if you arent Really rich maybe a chainlink?
I think an Angel will be ok. I have always liked the Annularis but emperors are cool.
If you want a Lionfish i would suggest either a Niger, Pinktail or 9?) bluethroat. I would go with teh Niger as i think they look best.
Wrasse- Dragon wrasse.
I am not really 100% sure if all these fish will fit.
Heres a pic of Conogres Russells


that russells looks pretty cool. thanks for the pic.
there is a hawaiian dragon eel here local. not to bad of a price either.
i would probably go with the niger trigger if i got a lion.


well wish list for starters:
zebra or black ribbon eel
golden puffer
black voliation lion
niger trigger
emperor angel
cheveron tang
minitas grouper
harqulin tusk
i know i might have to mix match on the list. change out something or if a lfs doesnt have what i want. which the golden puffer and the black ribbon eel will be hard to find. i may get the golden puffer from this site. let me know what you think. also the 135 is a for now tank. i plan on getting all of these fish small. by the time they grow up they will have a 240-300 gallon tank.