135 Gallon Tank what thing should I consider??


I am having a 135 Gallon tank built. It will be 72"long X 18"wide X 25"tall. I am having them put in overflows on each side, and black acrylic for the background (its a glass tank). Is their anything else I should consider having done while they are building it?
I am going to run a sump under the tank with a refugium. which will house my skimmer, heater and return pump (I will be using my old acrylic 55 gallon long tank for the sump/refugium). I just wanted to get some advice as to weather or not I should have any other holes drilled in the tank while it is their.


Where I am going with this is, should I have holes drilled for the returns? and if so where and how big?:confused:


Active Member
I wouldn't worry about drilling holes for the return, as long as you don't mind running the return plumbing up the back of the tank and over the top. This way, you are drilling fewer holes in the tank (fewer holes equals more structural integrity) and reducing the amount of bulkheads (less chance of failure).
As a matter of fact, I'm placing an order for a custom tank this afternoon, and only will have drain holes drilled in the center overflow. My return plumbing will be run up the back of the tank where it will meet a manifold that distributes flow to each of the four corners. Supplementary flow will be created by one or two Tunze Streams, rather than a closed loop.


Thanks, that sounds OK. I guess I will have to cruz around and look at how other people have done their returns. Anyone that has pictures of how they did their return post em, :D please.:yes:


I don't know much about closed loop systems so how would that change the way the tank is drilled? Also I already have a Mag 9.5 pump to run for my return will this be enough for my duel overflows weather closed or open loop?