13w red bulb?


I read that the 13w red bulb can be used for a great night viewing light and a 13w blue bulb can be used for a moonlight on larger tanks. Is that right or will the red be bad for the tank?
witch bulb I use on my Ref. I use what bulb?
thay are 36w bulbs
5000K,6400K,Medium Blue or the 10000K/Dark Blue Combo


I ve seen this and i works very well, as long as you watch for splashes.
The ones i saw were the tube shaped blue incandecent bulbs, and im putting two of them over my 75g, they are 25w each


use the red bulb...lets your little critters sleep...they cannot see the red spectrum...but we can, to a certain degree, so i'd go with the red one IMO...


red spectrum and infrared are two different bulbs... but yes! goin with the infrared bulb ( in a low watt ) will be very good unless you want to mimic a moon cycle, then you would use the blue bulb


I was thinking of both bulbs some days I will not turn the moon on but run the red. Days with moon I will just run the blue cost a bit more but I think I will like the look. I just wish I could just find a 350 day a year timer to turn them off and on I was thinking of the X10 type for my computer to do it.


I have the red and blue bulbs myself from HelloLights.com. The RED bulb appears to be very pinkish, not a red light to view without critters seeing it. Each time I turn it on, the fish and shrimp come out to see what's happening. The blue bulb is BLUE and is great to bring out the colors of corals. I need to build enclosures for them, but I am happy.


The HelloLights.com are the ones I'm looking at. Does the red light look ok in the tank and is the blue light to bright to use for a moon light?


The red looks pretty wild as the only light at night. It tends to look a pinkish red rather than a red red, but you can see fine. The blue probably is too bright if you want a subtle blue moon effect, it tends to light up the tank pretty well. I like the look, though. I knocked the blue bulb off my counter when I was moving some things and have another ordered. I'll try to see if I can get a decent picture to post when they arrive (scheduled for 1-6-03). But for the price, I'm very happy with both.


Well, my cheap-o digital camera cannot get a good shot of the tank to show you the colors. The reds look pretty pink, but it is a cool effect. I love the blue bulb, too. Bright, but a winner in my book. Sorry about the lack of pics.


i would actually go with a blut reptile bulb... the tube type in a waterproof socker like for outdoors.
Put that bad boy on a timer... 25w bulb... an BAM! you have moonlight baby!