14,15,or 20k?


just dont know wich globes to get for the new 280g ,im refering to MH 3x250 w
15000k, 14000k or 20000 i just visited an aquarium outlet and there was two large tanks
one had 14000k globes and the other 20000k i noticed that the 20000 has got a bit of blue
in it wich makes the tank look a lot better. the guy im getting the lights from said its up to me and he will do the same price on all of the globes. any suggestions? :help: :notsure:


Active Member
If you like the blue of the 20,000K bulbs, then by all means go for them! Otherwise, the mid-teen bulbs are a nice compromise between PAR values and color.


Active Member
What kind of ballast do you have?? We are talking single end bulbs right??
I personally think the 20,000k bulb is "to blue" when ran from a probe start ballast. I understand they are not as blue when ran from a HQI ballast though. The next MHs I buy will be around a 14k. I like a bluer look but not a strong blue look...
my 2c.


wondering what kind of lighting i need.i want to get some corals and anenomes.i am real new to this.my tank is 55g.i have an orange spotted goby,false percula clown,skunk cleaner shrimpand a royal gramma.the tank has only been up for 2 1/2 mos.all parametersare fine so far.one other thing do i have to acclimate the fish to the new lighting when i get it.i,m currently using a reg 50 watt flouresent.


im for the 10k XM bulbs with VHO's becuase you get the Par from the 10K XM and the blue from the vho's. THe plant growth seems to be slower with the 20k then the 10k because of the Par levels!


Originally Posted by bigtyguyy
im for the 10k XM bulbs with VHO's becuase you get the Par from the 10K XM and the blue from the vho's. THe plant growth seems to be slower with the 20k then the 10k because of the Par levels!
how do you reccomend acclimating the current fish that are already in the tank to the new lighting. thx for the reply.


pickyone, i would say ............. its like marriage!!!!!! dont rush, a small dose at the time,
and, keep un eye on it. (sounds good? ) :hilarious


many thanks for the replies re M/H. guys, i gess its a matter of choise hey?
well??????? because this guy(lfs) is flexible, i can always try a few sets of ligths and then choose wich 2 keek hey? thanks again.