14 G Biocube - Pics, commensts, questions. Started early July 2008



I would think so.
The watchman will likley be more aggressive...
and the clown pair will definitley stand up for themselves... my perc's bite me whenever I clean up the tank.... repeatedly.


Just picked up a couple new friends.
Ive been really enjoying my Duncans, and visited a nice reef shop tonight... found myself another 3 polyps,.. but these guys are HUGE!
Also found my final 2 tank inhabitants.
Rainford Goby, and an Emmerald Clown Goby!
Ill snap a few shots later and post em up!
Tanks lookin GREAT!


Lookin for a little identification help.
After getting the new fish into the tank, it had gotten late and the 10,000 and actinics had shut off.
I was looking around the tank under the LED moonlights, trying to spot the new fish, etc when I came accross somthing really strange.
I have a piece of rubble on the bottom of my tank, and since placing it in the tank Ive noticed what I thought was either a mushroom, or some other very simple coral growth on it.
The growth is redish brown, with just a slight line of green accross it. Its never grown, moved, or even reacted when I touched it.
Anyways, when I looked in tonight, this normally smooth growth had opened.
Under the moonlight it has 10 or 12 clear tenticles extended, each of which has a perfect sperical pink head on it. Overall, it has spread out its tenticles to be about as big around as a quarter... maybe a little bigger, and the tenticles reach up into the water about 3/4".
Normally the little growth is no bigger than the eraser on a pencil mushed flat.
It is not apistatia... ive had nussance anemone before.
But I really have no clue what this is, or could be.
I'll try to get a picture... but my camera is not the greatest, and will likley not pick it up well with no light.
Any guesses?


Everything is working out well so far I trust?!
Post up some pics when you can