14 gal bio cube

mack 10

New Member
ya except for the 10 gal i have for feeder food in the other room maybe people should ask questions before they make stupid comments you have know idea what i have here this is just a new biocube and its been running for about 4 mounths with no problem but thanks for looking out for the fish! "hater": maybe someones got some usefull advice please post!
calm down dude. I put the "not trying to hate" cause thats exactly what I was trying to do, not hate,.
it was advice, I cant fortell the future or know whats at your house. take it as an insult, but I was just trying to be useful. People need to quit getting so but hurt from others advice. You cant get the right emotion across through typing anyways. Forget about it dude, you wont have to worry about me commenting on your thread anymore

mack 10

New Member
you telling me to do research maybe you should do the research dude! if you look on this website alone it shows that pipe fish eat brine and mine has no problem with mysis shrimp! and with the mandrin they have no problem eating live brine or worms! not trying to come off as though i dont appreciate advice because i do when its valid but your comment was not only bad info but also you made assumptions and you know what happens when you assume u make an !@# of yourself! so if you dont have anything condecending to say and its helpful by all means please post it!


Active Member
haha man you sure told him! haha jk but ill be sure to ask questions before i give advice! i would hate to give you advice without knowing!
haha good looking tank man!

mack 10

New Member
thanks patrick!
dont really like it when people act like your stupid just cause you ask a couple of questions to see what other people are doing with there tanks!
i thought that was what this board was for questions and to show off our hobbie!


Active Member
man its cool. and im not saying he was wrong or your wrong but some people on here just seem to snap really easily. but very nice tank and keep it up i hope you dont have any problems with the fish!

mack 10

New Member
word thanks bro! ill post some more pictures later i was checking out your nano tank looks real sweet also!


Happitylogan "I hope to have: a picasso clown, a green mandarin, and a six line wrasse as my occupants. I dont think the tank will be too cramped"
Don't bust his balls when you said this a little under 3 months ago, and you were talking about an 8 gallon.
I don't think you really have room to talk when you say "you need to do more research before you buy fish. Any body would have told you not to get a mandarin."
this is not a personal attack, I just don't think you should be able to act way above his knowledge level.
ease up.

mack 10

New Member
thanks micheal,

i just came here to see what others are up to and get info! experience is everything! and lots of people here seem to have good knowledge! i just dont like being talked down to its our hobbie nothing to get snobby about sorry if i upset anyone!


Active Member
Originally Posted by mack 10
word thanks bro! ill post some more pictures later i was checking out your nano tank looks real sweet also!

thanks man!! im trying with so much to do its hard to get anything done on the damn thing! anyway great looking tank like a said above keep it up! and dont let people get you down! most are just trying to help.


Active Member
Looking good, but I have to agree that the mandarin should be moved to another tank. Other than that it is looking very nice


cough cough... I'm here to tell you that the mandarin may take to brine shrimp, especially if you breed and feed them live (add some selcon for a nutritional boost for him). Ignore the ignorant people, they will always have something to say. I don't mean you subie, you're ok in my book..

I added a fuge to my 29 to help with my mandarins. Had to get rid of my spotted because you cannot keep two male mandarins together, FYI. My spotted picked up pieces of frozen brine, but live would be better, especially if you add nutritional value.
Good luck and keep us posted, he looks pretty plump right now!

mack 10

New Member
thanks bro yea he really took to eating brine and live blood worms he loves them seems to be gettin plumper by the day motoring around!


Active Member
Originally Posted by mack 10
thanks does has your worm rock grown much part of the back of mine is bare was wondering if it was going to fill in. and any ideas of things that might be doing well in your tank that i should add thanks!
well, my tank is fairly new and my bisma worm rock has only about 5 dusters on it so far. I'll let you know if i see any extra ones pop up. i honestly havent done much research on those type of rocks.