14 gallon biocube direction?


New Member
Hi, I set up a 14 gallon biocube about a month ago. All of my water and rock was from my uncle's very established 140 reef tank, the only thing I had to buy starting out was a 20 lb bag of live sand, of which I only used 10 lbs. One of the rocks even had a couple nice pieces of pulsing xenias (very cool) and they have probably close to doubled in size in a short period of time. After the diatome bloom from the new sand, I went out and bought a small cleanup crew of some hermets, snails, 2 peppermint shrimp, and a brittle star. Yesterday I picked up a rock with a few blue/purple mushrooms on it, and I plan on adding more mushrooms and more colorful SPS.

Other than that I'm not sure which way I want to go with this tank. I know since it's only 14 gallons I can only do so much, so I need to figure out what direction I want to take before I end up just getting something from the LFS just because it's there. Lol My original plan was just to fill it up with as much coral as i can, and let the pod population grow for awhile before getting a mandarin and maybe a fire fish goby or 2. Getting all already established rock helps too because it already has a lot of pods climbing around on it, I just don't know how quickly they populate or how long I should wait before adding a mandarin?
I'm not completely set on that route tho, if anyone has any ideas for what to do with this 14 gallon, I am all ears! :)

kyle sawyer

New Member
I like your tank a lot. i'm actually building a 14 gallon biocube as well and want mine to look very similar to yours. I started with just live sand and added two completely dry very large rocks. I'm just waiting for them to get covered in nice growth so i can start adding the parts of the tank. I'm excited. Urs looks great tho!


Well-Known Member
Fish ideas for a 14 gal. Yellow watchman goby, fire fish, clown goby, clown. Not all these fish together! Lol but 2-3 would be ok. The mandarin is a great fish but they take experience to keep. Even a loaded tank of pods (14gal) will get wiped out w in a few wks. They never stop hunting them. I have 2 scooter blennys and a mandy in a 20 gal. Prob 50lbs of lr in it. Pods???? Ha ha ha very few. BUT all 3 eat frozen food, so pods are not there staple. I have 7 fish classified as draggonets. Mandarins, scooter blennys. All eat frozen, so all do well even w other food hawking fish. This takes time to get there tho. So if a mandarin is a fish u want add it first after a pod build up, then get it eating frozen, so its use to it b4 it has to compete w other fish for it.