14 Gallon biocube?


I've been researching for the past few months, and I'm thinking about starting a 14 gallon biocube. What should I know about these particular tanks? I wouldn't really want a reef, as I have no time to tend to the coral. What would be a good CUC and fish list?


Active Member
honestly everest, if your not wanting a reef, your better off taking a 20 long, 25 bucks, single bulb strip light, 40 bucks, an a aquaclear 110 powerfilter, 90 bucks new, can be found for 50 or less on that auction site, an going that route instead of the biocube route, it will probably be cheaper to be perfectly honest


Active Member
if you want, check my 20 long build, it will be better for you since your going with a fowlr tank, in stead of reef, the cubes are geared for reef tanks :p


Active Member
14G Biocubes are AMAZING. getting the cube will make it easy in the future if you decide to do a reef down the road. good lighting, great filter and a VERY high quality tank. I love mine and wouldn't trade it for anything.... well maybe a 29G Biocube haha
The cubes have everything in the back chambers so you dont see a filter or heater hanging over the side, the clean concealed look is great. also the front 2 corners of the tank are rounded and also look cool, no seams


its a 14 g so they call it... but it only took about 10 gallons to fill up the tank... and thats exceeding the max water line located on the side of the tank..


Originally Posted by SilverDak
14G Biocubes are AMAZING. getting the cube will make it easy in the future if you decide to do a reef down the road. good lighting, great filter and a VERY high quality tank. I love mine and wouldn't trade it for anything.... well maybe a 29G Biocube haha
The cubes have everything in the back chambers so you dont see a filter or heater hanging over the side, the clean concealed look is great. also the front 2 corners of the tank are rounded and also look cool, no seams

any suggestions on another place for the heater? i know people manage to stick there heater in one of the back chambers...


Active Member
Most likely you will want corals once you get used to taking care of the tank. Get a Biocube, you can keep softies and a bunch of different lps corals. In either a Biocube 14 or a 20 gallon you won't be able to have many fish anyway.
As for the heater, I have mine in chamber 3, with the return pump. Both chamber 1 and 2 have false floors that you can remove if you would rather have the heater in one of them.


Active Member
Not hard at all. Once the tank has cycled and you are having success keeping parameters in check and nitrate levels down, then you could try some zoas or shrooms. Both very easy to care for.


Active Member
You should research what corals you like. In a Biocube you could keep softies and some lps. Most corals do not require any feeding, getting their "food" from proper lighting.