14 or 29?


New Member
I am interested in getting a bio cube but dont know if I should go with the 14 or save a little more for the 29. I don't really care about the size difference as far as looks goes. Is the 14 that much harder to maintain than the 29? That is my main concern.


Originally Posted by wheats09
I am interested in getting a bio cube but dont know if I should go with the 14 or save a little more for the 29. I don't really care about the size difference as far as looks goes. Is the 14 that much harder to maintain than the 29? That is my main concern.

You need to keep up with water changes, if your a slacker like me, i'd go with a29gal if you dont care about the size. The only downside is that if you get a 29gal, you have to do couple of gallons more when you do a water change, whereas with a 14gal your only need to do about 2 1/2gal water change weekly.


Oh by the way, you have plenty of space for corals and such in a 29 then a small 14.


THe only thing that i have found challenging was keeping the tanks tempeture stable. If you get a 29, it wont be as hard since the tank volume is lot more.


Active Member
I would go 29. This is a bigger tank so if something screws up its easier to fix than in a small area of a 14 gallon.


New Member
I'd really like a pair of clarki's and maybe 1 other small fish and some nice corals, nothing overboard. i realize my limitations on what i can put in, i'm just wondering what the big difference is as far as difficulty of care.


Active Member
I wouldnt say theres a big difference. I mean water changes are JUST a couple more gallons. Some people on this board probably do more than a 29 gallon water change.
Later on down the road you will be glad you got a bigger tank. Well thats JMO