140 deep vs. 150 long aggressive loading


I may not be able to keep my 150 g 72x18x29 tank at the office, and I can't fit one that big at home (at least with spousal approval). So, I may be stuck with a 140, 48.5x24.5x29. The is an aggressive tank, with a 5" Humu, 7" Spotted Puffer, 5" Crosshatch, 4" Clown Trigger, and a large Snowflake Eel (in descending order of priority to me). If any, what should I eliminate from the smaller tank? If it makes a difference, the clown trigger is very aggressive -- he'll attack your fingers through the glass, but so far hasn't been too much of a pest to the others. He is gorgeous, though. Any suggestions? Thanks.


Active Member
Unfortunately, that tank isnt going to be big enough for any of those fish.
That 48" length is killing you.


I would agree with the other fish that it will be cutting it close, but as far as the sfe you def. have enough room for it.


New Member
well I dont agree, In my expirence you have enough room for the Snow Flake eel, and huma trigger, the puffer may be pushing it physically and the clown pyscologically. This is simply not enough room for a clown trigger becasue you have other tank mates, though, it it is not fighting, it may be good for now. Its alway better to have lenght and width vs height but you have a nice tank, be cautious with the clown, may eventully have to get rid of puffer, clown only if fighting occurs.
Good luck


Originally Posted by nigertrigg
I would agree with the other fish that it will be cutting it close, but as far as the sfe you def. have enough room for it.
What about a 156 g 60x24x29? That a reasonable size for larger triggers?


Active Member
Originally Posted by monsterx
well I dont agree, In my expirence you have enough room for the Snow Flake eel, and huma trigger, the puffer may be pushing it physically and the clown pyscologically. This is simply not enough room for a clown trigger becasue you have other tank mates, though, it it is not fighting, it may be good for now. Its alway better to have lenght and width vs height but you have a nice tank, be cautious with the clown, may eventully have to get rid of puffer, clown only if fighting occurs.
Good luck

I'm sorry, but a Moray that'll max out at 4' is not ok in 4' long tank. Neither is the Humu, which will get to be 10"(+/-)...and absolutely, positively not ok for a Clown Trigger.
Fixed, that 156gal. is the SMALLEST I'd go, with those Triggers...however, I'd still leave out that Clown. You said it's already aggressive...I wouldnt keep any fish with it that I didnt consider expendable.


seriously with that list Your going to need a 220 . The triggers will become more and more aggressive as they get bigger and their territory starts to over lap.
I would loose the clow and the cross hatch and stick with the bigger tank. thats the best advice I can give.
A fish veiws it's territory as a circular area in the tank so longer is better as fish see it. depth is good if you have a mix of surrface swimmers and bottom swimers, but with the triggers thats not the case.


Thanks, all. Of course, the big bummer here is not the tank or the fish, but what size tank and location my wife will tolerate. Probably not a unique problem, I assume.


Originally Posted by AW2
I'm sorry, but a Moray that'll max out at 4' is not ok in 4' long tank.

Snow flake eels do not max out at 4'


I agree about the triggers getting too big.
Spotted Puffers normally max out at 5", so it won't be a problem. Unless you mean another kind of puffer.
I don't know what kinda' snowflake eel you have that gets to 4 feet. They normally get to 2 feet and will be fine in a tank that size.