14g/10-15lbs live rock newbie...


New Member
Hi this is my first time having a salt water tank. My boyfriend knows more of the actual information on the tank and equipment than I do. We have a new tank its been cured and has been running for over a month now. We haven't put much in it yet because we wanted to make sure it is running smoothly first. The hydrometer reads 1.021-1.022 daily. The ph level is 8.4/ and the alkanlinity is at a normal level thats what it says on the test anyway, can't remember the number for it.
Ok I have questions. ????=)
What is the normal level for alkanlinity and ph? How do I read the nitrate and ammonia levels ? And a SUMP? hOW do we make one and do you think we need one? We definitely already want to go bigger but economically we need to wait. Plus we want to try the smaller tank for 6 months first to make sure we are doing things right. We are wanting to have a reef tank. I THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUGGESTIONS IF ANY!!!!!!We both are so excited and so into this but we need a little help. Thanks for reading!
Gina& Scott


New Member
Do some searches here for levels and also go get some good books on reef keeping. Go slow is the best advice and yes, you do need a sump for a reef.


Salinity levels should be between 1.023-1.025. PH should be between 8.1-8.3. As for reading the other levels, you should buy a good test kit (Great investment). Although a sump is good for reef tanks, I do not use one on my 110g reef and it does good. Hope this helps.


Active Member
Your salinity is a little low. Between 1.023 and 1.026 would be good. pH should be between 8.1 and 8.4. Alkalinity should be between 8 and 12. If you want to learn how to build a sump, check out melevsreef dot com. He is the sump expert and has a whole bunch of pages on sumps and how to build them.


New Member
Hi, Thanks for the replys. Ok so yesterday I bought a testing kit. A very good one. It tests the nitrates, nitratos (or whatever its called) it tests of cource the ph and alkalinity, calcuim and one other, forgot. Every thing is exactly how it should be. The hydro meter read 1.024. The PH is 8.4 The alkalinity is at normal levels. The water is about 74 degrees. I bought a sea hare and three emerald crabs. So they can start the cleaning up process of algea. I also bought phosphate filters along with carbon ones. I bought Reef Solution to enhance the health of the tank. Everything should be good to go within a week althoug hthe levels read at the norm. So I just want to begin this reef tank. I had a couple fish in mind and some soft coral. So Ireally need to build a sump with this small tank?