14g biocube?


Hi I have a 14 g biocube up and running for 5 months now, I have 20lbs of LR and LS, 7 snails and 7 blue legged hermits, I used to have 2 occ clowns and 1 firefish with 1 fire shrimp but after an order online from p**** all are gone except for one clown, I ordered a frogspawn, it came with what i didnt know was brown jelly disease. It spread and got into the water, made my water params off the chart and wrecked havoc. Now I only have 1 occ clown, 1 orange star, snails/hermits, 3 rics, 1 candy cane, and 1 hammer frag. I'm thinking about giving the clown back to my LFS store and re-stocking my tank, how does this sound for a 14 gal. This will only last for 8 months and then I'm getting a 225 gal tank so its only temporary.
option 1
dwarf lionfish
option 2
purple firefish
pearly jawfish
midas blenny
option 3
purple firefish
midas blenny
yasha goby
option 4
pearly jawfish
midas blenny
2 (very small) clown gobies (will they kill my corals?)
option 5
small eel (5 inch snowflake)
option 6
my occ clown already and just buy 1 other occ clown (can a reg occ clown pari up with b&w one?)
option 7
small harlequin sweetlips
1 clown goby
option 8
Sargassum Angler
option 9
green mandarin (seen it eat frozen mysis)
purple firefish
pearly jawfish
will any of these work and any other suggestions??? Thanks for your help!

small triggers

Active Member
option 1
I think is still to small for your tank
options 2, 3, 4, 6, &9
are all good options for your tank
option 5
are you REALLY wanting an eel in the big tank? In a few months he will be very unhappy in a 14g
Option 7
the sweetlips gets HUGE and likes to swim ALOT..so would not be happy in your tank even for a few weeks
Option 8
I think the sargasums get fairly large,,,,,
HUGE bioload when it eats
IF you wanted something different, maybe some leafy scorpion fish or a cockatoo waspfish (im not sure how large they get though)
And no matter the good intentions of getting a larger tank,,, life happens SO i say stock the tank you have unless you literally have the other one sitting in your garage...and frankly I dont think there is too much you could use a 14g for for growing out,,, except corals, lol


thanks you so much, im going to get some more rics and thatll be it for corals,but when i make my decision ill post some pics thanks for all your help!


Originally Posted by nikefutbolhttp:///forum/post/3214249Hi I have a 14 g biocube up and running for 5 months now, I have 20lbs of LR and LS, 7 snails and 7 blue legged hermits, I used to have 2 occ clowns and 1 firefish with 1 fire shrimp but after an order online from p**** all are gone except for one clown, I ordered a frogspawn, it came with what i didnt know was brown jelly disease. It spread and got into the water, made my water params off the chart and wrecked havoc. Now I only have 1 occ clown, 1 orange star, snails/hermits, 3 rics, 1 candy cane, and 1 hammer frag. I'm thinking about giving the clown back to my LFS store and re-stocking my tank, how does this sound for a 14 gal. This will only last for 8 months and then I'm getting a 225 gal tank so its only temporary.
Never plan a stock list around the idea of getting a bigger tank up and running. Life happens and sometimes causes those big tanks to be put on hold longer than we expect and in the mean time, your fish suffer.

option 1
dwarf lionfish There's no way that I would recommend a lion in a 14G. They are very messy eaters and produce too large of a bioload. Besides, they need more swimming room than a 14G is going to provide.

option 2
purple firefish
pearly jawfish
midas blenny Jawfish AND Midas Blenny with a firefish? Not a good idea. One of the two will harass the firefish. Besides, the Midas will get too big for this tank.

option 3
purple firefish
midas blenny
yasha goby
I love my Yasha, but don't stock a tank around them. They're shy and you hardly get to see them. Mine is trained to eat from my hand and I'm still lucky if I see her once a week. Again, the midas with these two fish is really not a good idea.

option 4
pearly jawfish
midas blenny
2 (very small) clown gobies (will they kill my corals?) It's a 50/50 chance with clown gobies and corals.

option 5
small eel (5 inch snowflake) Seriously? Not a good idea.

option 6
my occ clown already and just buy 1 other occ clown (can a reg occ clown pari up with b&w one?) Yes, as long as they're both Occellaris clowns and NOT Perculas. Make sure the new addition is smaller than the one you have. Keep in mind that clowns will eventually outgrow a 14G if they reach max size.

option 7
small harlequin sweetlips
1 clown goby
Have you done any reading on sweetlips? They're very, very difficult to keep and get huge.

option 8
Sargassum Angler Messy eater and way to much of a bioload for a tank this size

option 9
green mandarin (seen it eat frozen mysis)
purple firefish
pearly jawfish
This seems like the best option of what you have listed. Keep in mind that just because it eats Mysis, doesn't mean it still doesn't need copepods.

will any of these work and any other suggestions??? Thanks for your help!
Since this is a nano tank and you seem pretty determined to have the firefish, jawfish and the midas blenny (you list them a lot), here's some ideas.
The Firefish is not a good diea with the Midas and I don't know that I'd put a Midas in this small of a tank.
I'd do this:
Keep the clown you have if you'd like
possibly a yasha goby OR a tail spot or bicolor blenny (these blennies stay smaller and are more peaceful, especially the tail spot)


clown fish wouldn't be aggressive towards the other fish in your suggestion? And four fish would be fine in a 14 gal (3-4 g water changes weekly)
"I'd do this:
Keep the clown you have if you'd like
possibly a yasha goby OR a tail spot or bicolor blenny (these blennies stay smaller and are more peaceful, especially the tail spot)"


Originally Posted by nikefutbol
clown fish wouldn't be aggressive towards the other fish in your suggestion? And four fish would be fine in a 14 gal (3-4 g water changes weekly)
"I'd do this:
Keep the clown you have if you'd like
possibly a yasha goby OR a tail spot or bicolor blenny (these blennies stay smaller and are more peaceful, especially the tail spot)"
If the clown is still young, aggression should be minimal. Ocellaris clowns usually aren't bad until they're older and even that, they're one of the more peaceful clowns. It might boss around a new tank mate just too see what's up, but it should not be anything major.
As long as you stay on top of water changes, that list should be fine. It's pushing it, but it should be fine.
I have the same exact tank with a clown, tail spot blenny and a yasha goby and I play on returning the clown (because it eats my damn coral
) and putting in a dotty back or psuedochromi, possibly two. I also have a ton of inverts in this tank, including two pistol shrimp, so I might not get two, we'll see.


thanks for your help!!!
I read your thread talking about your clown and how it eats coral a while back!!! Wow I would have throw out the little bugger


Originally Posted by nikefutbol
thanks for your help!!!
I read your thread talking about your clown and how it eats coral a while back!!! Wow I would have throw out the little bugger

LOL... I hate him so much for destroying my coral, but I just haven't had the heart to take him out yet. As soon as our refugium is up and running, that's where he's going so I can get back to work on this tank. So far he hasn't done too much more damage. He munches on one mushroom, but it's okay, I have about 30 of them in the 155. Lately he's been brushing on my fox coral, so that needs to stop.