15-18 gal hex, what fish?


hey guys,
i just got a free 15-18 gal hax tank (a little more than three full 5 gal buckets) from a lady who didnt want it anymore. what could i do with it? what fish could fit? i was thinking maybe seahorses as they might be the only fthing that could use the tank. it is 22 inches high so it seems like it would work. let me know what you guys think!!


seahorses are a good possibility, but the tank has to be a mature tank to put those guys in. damsels, pair of clowns, a couple small gobies, a small wrasse.....not all can fit in this but examples of fish you can put in a 15 hex.


how about an angler? i think they need more room though but i thought it might work seeing how they dont move much.