15" Banded Cat Shark?


My buddy has a 240 with with a 4" Naso, 4" Sailfin, 4" Hippo, 3" Purple Tang, a 3" Maroon Clow, and a 3" Flame Angel. He was thinking of adding a Banded Cat Shark that is about 15". Do you think it would bother the fish at all?
ive got a bamboo shark (banded cat), with a maroon he doesnt touch him...ive asked my dads friend (lfs owner,marine biologist,etc.) he says u should be fine. just dont add a trigger, they tend to nip alot.
in my oppinion make sure ur buddys tank has sand and not a crushed coral or rocky bottum, it hurts the stomach of the shark.
also make sure there is alot of sandy bottom, like atleast a couple feet long and atleast 1ft and a half wide.
good luck


Yeah and make sure there are not too many jagged outcroppings. I'd say if anything the flame may become toast. One of my friends has a cat shark in a 180 and it is getting aggressive to the smaller fish.


I'm not to worried but where they sleep I think is the problem because a couple sleep in the open along the bottom and I was thinking the shark comes out to feed at night more then likely. He'll have to rearrange the rock also to give the shark some more room to swim and he does have sand we don't do crushed coral because it it isn't real enough in our view.
Also I was going to get him but myank is a 180 with the same lineup which is pushing it already.
for the shark u need a overhang or a cave for her to sleep in durring the day, bamboos are nocturnal and active durring the night...when i feed my other fish brine shrimp durring the day, the shark will come out of the cave and also eat the brine in the light, and most of the time stays out for an hour or two then goes back into the cave until the light goes off.


Agreed.....with smaller fish, such as the flame angel, your best bet is a lot of LR in some areas with very small nooks and crevices which provide a shelter/sleeping area that the shark can't get into.
He's not likely to begin looking at it as food until he's in the 24" range as long as he's fairly well fed.


Thanks for the help. I'll tell him that he should make the live rock have lots of caves and more on oneside then the other so the shark also has room to swim. But first case we need to remove his fire shrimp because those would be the first to go.
about the fire shrimp.... it matters how big the shark is, and how big the fire shrimp is...if its a baby bamboo and a 4-5 inch shrimp you should be fine for awhile, just monitor the sharks aggression twords it, i wouldnt be that worried.