15 gal tank


New Member
Very new to all this, my sister gave me her old tank and helped me get it started. She has all the filters and lights set up. Yesterday I bought two yellow tail damsels, a choc chip starfish and two snails ( i think thats what they are) Ya, I have a lot to learn. Anyway the guy at the store said to wait 6 months before putting in a clown. I did the whole 2 week process where it spikes and went back to normal. And I have about 15 lb of live rock. Do I really have to wait? And he also said that I do not have to feed the choc chip. that he'll scavage for food?? any thoughts???


hey welcome to the hobby. First of all, its sounds like you started off right. Starting of with shrimp to cycle are much better but thats ok. Yes your right the choco-ship star will scavenge for food but just make sure there is food for it to scavage on. When I had one i feed it a freezed dried shrimp once a week.About the 6 months that may seem a little long. You said your tank has been up for 2 weeks. To be on the safe side what for about a month and a half. You have a lot of 'stuff' (live rock, fish, snails, starfish) so it should cycle quickly. Just to be safe wait about a month and a half to add the clown. happy to help.


The six months i kinda long, but usaully the slower you go with addeing the fish the better. If you add to many at one time it can possibly make you have another amon-rates spike. which can harm your fish