150 Fowlr


Active Member
Originally Posted by Saltman23
hammerhed- i do own both freshwater and saltwater tanks. 4 fresh and 3 soon to be 4 saltwater. i appreciate all of your opinions and am looking for a final stock list.
now i am thinking:
naso tang
yellow tang
purple tang
bluethroat trigger
humu/niger trigger
Emperor/queen angel
Corris wrasse
snowflake eel
Its not a bad list Saltman, the only issues IMO you should reconsider are the Naso, and the big Angel (though I admit, I don't know a lot about Corris Wrasses)....I had a Naso for about 5+ years in a 135, and I can safely say that it wasn't the best home for him....the tank stunted his growth a bit (he was only 7inches after 5 years), be that right or wrong. I bought the fish as a beginner and tried to provide him a good home, I have never been one to trade fish in or return them.....People here may sound harsh sometimes, and the "Tang Police" can be very closed minded and probably with good reason, but most people here only want fish to have good homes and people to have successful tanks.


thanks kjr trig- i have read alot of info on the naso tang. I already have the naso in my 75. He is only 3 inches so dont send those tang police on my tail!

I am curious as to why you think is should skip the large angel?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Saltman23
thanks kjr trig- i have read alot of info on the naso tang. I already have the naso in my 75. He is only 3 inches so dont send those tang police on my tail!

I am curious as to why you think is should skip the large angel?
Queen and Emp are two of the largest of the Large Angels...I am not saying its impossible in a 150, I would just say those two in particular need prestine water to thrive as CCampbell will tell you....Again...Prestine. Their are smaller "large" angels, you might consider...I am actually considering doing 2 dwarfs in my 240 I am starting, their are some beautiful and interesting dwarfs.


i currently have a flame and a coral beauty angel. I am looking for a larger one and really want one of those 2. What are some of the other large angels you are talking about?


Would I be able to keep a cleaner shrimp or two with this stock list? How about snails and crabs?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Saltman23
Would I be able to keep a cleaner shrimp or two with this stock list? How about snails and crabs?

Huma Trig and Red Coris Wrasse would kill any inverts
Snowflake would likely kill shrimp & crabs
Niger may kill some inverts
Bluethroat Trig or Angels could possibly kill inverts


Active Member
Smaller Large angels consist of the following:
Regal Angel
Goldflake Angel
Flagfin Angel
Cream Angel
Scribbled Angel
Asfur angel


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
Smaller Large angels consist of the following:
Regal Angel
Goldflake Angel
Flagfin Angel
Cream Angel
Scribbled Angel
Asfur angel
Thanks CC, kept meaning to get back to him on that


i have looked at the "small" large angels and none really pop out at me. I have a couple of other questions- for a QT tank, what size would be better 20 long or 20 high? has anyone has anyone had a lunare wrasse? how would the compare to the red coris wrasse. Instead of a huma trigger i am now thinking of a pinktail triger. Any comments about them?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Saltman23
i have looked at the "small" large angels and none really pop out at me. I have a couple of other questions- for a QT tank, what size would be better 20 long or 20 high? has anyone has anyone had a lunare wrasse? how would the compare to the red coris wrasse. Instead of a huma trigger i am now thinking of a pinktail triger. Any comments about them?

Long is always more effective than high IMO....Lunare's have a bad reputation for being very nasty and going for other fish's eyes for some reason, I had one for about 4 years, but he was kept in check by my Achilles Tang, if you do one, make him the last in, and you won't be able to keep any inverts whatsoever. To answer your question, Lunare would likely be much more aggressive than a Coris....Pinktails have loads of personality, but so do Humas, most people will say Humas are more aggressive, IMO they are about the same as Pinks, but I had the most mild mannered Huma ever I think, Pinktail will get quite a bit larger.


thanks alot kjr trig. I think i will be skipping the lunare and just stick with the corris wrasse. still deciding between a pink tail, niger, or a huma. Any other suggestions are greatly appreciated.


which tangs would you pick? I already have a yellow and a naso.