150 gallon.... what equipment?

a novice

New Member
I'm looking into buying a 150 gallon tank as my first saltwater tank. I was going to get a 65 gallon but the LPS has a 150 gallon on sale. Would it be possible to do the pumps, skimmers, lights(not halide, or power compact.. just basic), power heads, ets. for under $500? I would love to have a big tank but I don't want to spend a small fortune getting one. The tank is $350, so if I could get the equipment for under $500 it would be great.
I don't want to get into building my own sump and I would want a good, simple, yet lower cost, filtration system. Skimmer? What would a decent skimmer for this tank cost?
I know that I need to do some research, but I sorta need to make a decision wether or not I want to buy the tank because its on sale and theres only one of them left. So, do you think it could be done for a reasonable price? Thanks!


Staff member
All that depends on how you plan to set your system up. If you are going to use LR and LS then you can cut cost by getting marine sand [not live] and then seeding it with live [big cut cost]. The same with LR. You can get "dead" rock and seed with LR.
Lighting is usally a big expense. If you want a reef, then you are going to have put out the $$ for lighting a reef--and even LR needs adequate lighting. If you are setting up a DSB and using LR you can minimize expense because the DSB and LR will be your primary filtration modes. You will at least need 4 strong powerheads, a good skimmer, and, if you are going to have fish, a UV sterilizer should figure in to your equiptment list.
I'd go with the larger tank if I were you and cut cost as much as you can. Again, lighting will be your biggest expense, as long as you are only using smaller amts of LR and LS to "seed" your setup.

a novice

New Member
I would like to do a FOWLR so the lighting won't be a big expense. I was planning on a DSB and good amount of live rock. I would need a good skimmer which would run, about $200, right? Don't I need some type of filter? What about a Eheim 2229? It's a wet/dry filter that seems to be a reasonable price... Thanks for the input.


You can get a Berlin Turbo skimmer for about $175 including the pump (or a hang on version for about $200). Look at online dealers and you'll find them. If you are setting up the 150 tall tank, 48 x 24 x 30, then you will most likely NEED to use metal halide, as the depth of the tank is so great. Don't dispair though, you can do it yourself for less than $250 if you're careful. You can call local electrical supply houses and find the ballasts for about $50 each, and mail-order the bulbs for about $50 each for the 6500K lamps, or $80 for 10,000K bulbs. You will need two bulbs. It would be worth waiting to get the better lighting. The tank will look better and you'll be happier with it. If it comes with any flourescent lighting, you could use that until you could upgrade the hood, and then use it for actinic bulbs to supplement the MH's. What about the stand, sump, main system pump, overflow, and all of that??? I doubt you could do all of that and the lighting for under $500. A good pump will cost you more than $100. The live rock will also cost you a lot. If you can find it for $4 per pound, that will be $400 for 100 pounds. Most recommend using 1.5 to 2 pounds per gallon, but I think 1 pound or even a little less is good, as long as you have live sand too. Sand can get pricey too when you have a deep sand bed. To add a four inch bed to that tank will take about 250 pounds of sand. Plan carefully. I'm not trying to bum you out, but that tank will cost a lot to set up right. If you cut corners on the equipment, you will pay the price with a tank that doesn't run good, and be a pit of hair algae or cyanobacteria.
I feel that any tank over 55 gallons needs a sump set-up.


New Member
Where could I get the 150gallon saltwater tank for $350? That sounds like quite a deal that you've got there novice.
What are some of the considerations setting up a saltwater tank? Any good books that addresses the possible issues?


THE BOOK: From Beginner to Breeder. Its at your lfs; I checked out a copy from our local library. It was kind of technical since I was unfamiliar with the subject, so I read it 3 times! Now I need to see it again to really understand exactly what is going on. The copy I read was about a 1986 printing, so if you get a new one, it MAY be updated. I do not recall anything about power compacts in the book, and the preface/introduction spoke of how new keeping SWF is, although it was mentioned that FW had passed beiing just a novelty.

a novice

New Member
Here's what I'm planning on doing:
4/6 inch DSB
some live rock, because this isn't going to be a reef I don't want a ton but I would like a corner with rocks so problaby 100lbs
really good skimmer, any suggestions?
MH DIY lighting(got a friend to help me with it)
heater, thermometer, test kits, etc.
If I can find a good hang on skimmer I will not do a sump... space issues.


Bottom line? Impossible to set one up for under $500
Light alone will run at least $300. Skimmer at least another $100.00.
On top of this filters, sand/cruched coral, LR, and all other accessories.
If not willing to put money into it, do not get into the hobby. Believe me. Things add up quickly.