150g reef @ 6 months =D


You should make a joiner! They are kickass but kind of hard to do. Just set your camera away from the aquarium and have it on a tripod and take multiple pictures from one side to the other moving a little more after each one and then edit them together to make one big detailed picture, of course it will look a bit distorted because you will be closer in some photo's than others but they are really awsome look if done corectly! Great looking tank, Glad to see you had patience with it and waited a while to add all those corals.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr. Guitar
Awesome pics! I really like the Xenias. What kinda star is that in the third picture?
you know im not quite sure. im thinking its a type of fromia. it has blue tips on all of the legs. it has lasted a while now which is suprising for fromias


Active Member
its a type of fromia, with blue tips on the arms.
they arent supposed to last a long time, but he is still alive, through some shifty nitrate situations and no special feeding.
so i have dubbed him a blue-tip fromia b/c i am too lazy to find out the real name :D


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
its a type of fromia, with blue tips on the arms.
they arent supposed to last a long time, but he is still alive, through some shifty nitrate situations and no special feeding.
so i have dubbed him a blue-tip fromia b/c i am too lazy to find out the real name :D

I have an orange linckia that has made it through some tough times too. He even started to disintegrate once but recovered.


Active Member
LOL we are going back forth here, i am not getting any work done, alyssia!
my linkia danced with the devil a few times , maybe twice, as i was discovering my trate problem...
emergency water changes brought him back to life within 24 hours both times. third time i guess he had enough, they start changing colors and look like they are eating themselves as they wrap up in a ball - not a pretty sight.
i plan on getting a purple linkia one day tho!


Active Member
hey vinnyl - hope my brother didnt rip you off with those ricordias lol
the lighting is 2 72" T5 VHO's , one is actinic, on an ice cap ballast. 5 blue + 2 white moon LEDS.
not the strongest by any means. no SPS for me in this tank.


LOL... I don't feel he did.... specially because I have a huge colony of mats. Let me know when you get some xenia or any other frags.


Active Member
the swaying xenia in post #5 have grown immensely in the last 45 days + (since i took those pics).
if you have interest in some of those, let me know.


I'd take some Xenia from u... I can give you a frag of yellow mats (ask your brother bout them), I also have some acro's...but I don't think your lighting would be enough.


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
LOL we are going back forth here, i am not getting any work done, alyssia!
my linkia danced with the devil a few times , maybe twice, as i was discovering my trate problem...
emergency water changes brought him back to life within 24 hours both times. third time i guess he had enough, they start changing colors and look like they are eating themselves as they wrap up in a ball - not a pretty sight.
i plan on getting a purple linkia one day tho!

I would love to get a purple! I've tried two blues and they both died within a month, even though I acclimated them for 5 hours. I'm afraid to try again.


Active Member
how dare you blast me on here "noob"!!!!!!!! y would i rip off vinnyl? nice guy. you on the other hand, if you keep this crap up you'll never get a mushroom from me!!!!!


Active Member
Isisty - LOL
zano, i would not be against trading hammers (actually i believe they are metallic green torch) i have a bunch of heads and they are mega calcium hogs! i dose calcium every day for a week and it doesnt rise above 400 ...
what do you have for some ?
that saddle carpet anenome is also for trade in some of the last pics. its about 9-10" diameter
also i have never shipped anything live.