155 bowfront canopy lighting


hey everyone. well i almost have my canopy done (a lil trim and some stain and its finished)so i can get my lights and start the ball rolling on my setup. im lookin for some ideas on lighting without going nuts on my bank account, any ideas would be greatly appreciated.



Wow your a real Bob Villa. That is sweet! You can go with sunlight supply retro t-5s with a workhorse ballast. I just did 4/48" for less than $200. But my main light supply will becoming from the MH.


well im just about done with my stand and canopy. i guess these pics are for you to see bulldog since nobody else commented on my thread. ill post some more pics when i get it into the house.


eric b 125

you did an incredible job on that, kudos! i know this isnt a build thread, but are you going to leave the bottom trim piece of the tank visible or are you going to cover it up somehow? sorry, cant really help with the lights, not all that educated on lighting yet.


Very nice! Ah if I was only blessed with being able to do anything like that...the things I could accomplish ~sigh~


Active Member
Nice work!
I would definitely look at the TEK T5 retrofits. Are you looking to make this a reef or fish only?


yeah i wanted to go reef. no i have some vinyl strips i got to go over the ones on the bottom and top so it all matches. hey gecko this wasnt as hard as you would think, the biggest headache was keeping everything square. thanks everyone i am kinda proud of it. any thoughts on what kinda protein skimmer i should get for my sump?