1720 gph?


Please help me figure this all out?
So I have a Catalina CA 2200 pump running from my sump to my DT. The ratio of gph goes down to 200 gph with 6ft of tubing which I have, if I am reading the box correctly.
I also have two Koralia2 ph which put out 600 each gph and two nano ph that put out 260 each gph in the DT itself.
My question is do I have 1720 gph running threw my DT if my math is correct? & also is this enough flow for a 65 gal bow tank? I know good flow helps keep a healthy tank. I wanna do right by my little critters before I get them sooooo, Thank you all great fish minds
I think i heard either 10-20x or 30-50x forgot which was for what if its the first u have way more than needed so i think its the second.. in which case your a little under but thats enough... .


So if it's the second it would be 65gal x 30 turn over at the least which would be 1950 right?


Active Member
A safe bet is not to factor in the return pump when you are figuring turnover rate.. so many little things affect it and can raise or lower output.. Best just to factor in what is running in the tank at all times.. Without factoring in my return I have around 5600 going through my 120..


Thanks everyone for your input. I still think I might need to upgrade my pump for more turnover in the tank. The one I have seems to just be making the grade. What is the optimal turnover the average hobbiest strives for?

small triggers

Active Member
10x as long as you dont have corals that need strong flow.Again, I only have my return pumps, so to tell someone NOT to count that is not going to work. If you have enough returns into your tank to have adequate flow ( I have 4 in my 150g) then you shouldnt have a problem with your pump being adequate and maybe add a powerhead or 2.


Active Member
the main thing to remember is that if you do not have corals you just want to make sure that there are no dead spots in the tank and if this is accomplished from having just the return then so be it, if it is not then there will have to be some PHs added