175 half circle enough for a hippo?


im going to be getting in the next few weeks a 175 half circle and was wondering about keeping a hippo and a yellow tang would this be ok or does the half circle make for not enough swimming room? :notsure:


Should be good. Most people keep blue tangs in ~135 gallons and do fine. Yellow tangs don't get as big as blue tangs i think. I have 2 7inch blue tangs in my circular tank, but its 385 gallons even though they only stay on one half of the tank (side where i feed).


awsome, my wife thinks im nuts at what im doing just to have the one fish ive always wanted lol but i think ill be very happy with the possibilities of my new tank.


Cool good luck with that. I've never regretted getting a bigger tank. You just dont have very many fish restrictions except for maybe fish that are too small or too timid, but you probably want species tanks for fish like that anyways.