175 watt bulbs( halide)



still. NO bulbs or any tracking info or reply to my emails.since feb 18. I guess my next step in my credit card company and pay pal.


If you know him so well maybe you can get me a tracking number


Active Member
I will ask him, hes out tonight, and I bet he will sleep in tomorrow, but me or him will get back to you sometime tomorrow evening, ok.


Active Member
This board is a nice place and most do know each other, I know your anxious for your goods and probably in need of the bulbs but Psusocr1 is probably just laggin a bit. I wouldnt go charging the mount just yet. He did respond to this very thread on the 7th. He wouldnt scam you, that would pooping where he eats. Also it IS his Birthday, hopefully hes out hootin it up.


He did respond in here and I still have not got the tracking number. Not saying he is a bad guy or a scammer. BUt he wont answer my emails. or send me the tracking number.


Active Member
I hear ya, just it reads pretty hot when someone is talking about calling thier credit card company ect and I hate to see things begin to snowball with good folks when all it most likley is, is crumby timing. Pain in the ______ to wait, but I am confident all will come together when the birthday party is over. Nice ta meet ya anyhow


Active Member
Just give him a day or two, hes been very busy with lots of stuff going on right now, and tonight hes out for his birthday, give him till tomorrow, I will get ahold of him.


Active Member
hey im sorry, and no i wouldnt scam you the bulbs are sent and i told you to shoot me an email,, i swear i never got any emails from you. i will email you tonight with the info since im not at my house.....sorry for any confusion..


sent you several to the pita1752@aol.com address. At this point post the tracking number in here I dont care.let me know if its post office or ups or what