175w MH enough for a 90gal?


New Member
I am setting up a 90gal tank and I have a 175w Halide that I have had for quite some time, should I add another?
Compliment with VHOs?
Initially I plan on fish and live rock


New Member
I'd like to get into corals once the tank is established and I am ready.
I'd like to to it right now that changing later!


metal halide cover a 2 ft X 2ft area, you need 4 ft cover. Think about going 250 watts X 2 w/ complimented lighting


Active Member
I have a 175mh under my hood, its not nearly enough light on its own for my 100gal tank. If you want to to run corals in the future w/flexiblity. I run the 175 and 2x250mh and it lights the tank nicely.


New Member

Originally posted by msd2
I have a 175mh under my hood, its not nearly enough light on its own for my 100gal tank. If you want to to run corals in the future w/flexiblity. I run the 175 and 2x250mh and it lights the tank nicely.

You run 3 MHs?? no Flouros?