18 pallets of South Down Sand



Nope...did go to the science museum and watch island of sharks on the worlds largest Imax screen though.
Reefman it happens to be holding up getting my tank set up...it's more then sand it's become a quest a quest for southdown *evil laughter*


Well, we were supposed to get the southdown tonight at 5pm. I have no idea if it came or not. The minute I walked in the door, the District Manager cornered me in the office. Ya know, one of those times where he asks all the hard questions and you have to give the same answers as the other managers! WHEW! Which put me way behind at the store! So I will be paying Craig and Mark a personal visit at the store tomorrow afternoon. Since I work the close shift again, I probably will not post the results of my latest efforts until about 1:30am CST.
Everyone cross your fingers!


*dancing around in circles!* Ding dong the witch is dead! It is confirmed! We have southdown sand in MINNESOTA! It is in the Rochester home depot.
Take Highway 52, take 37th street exit, got to the garden department tell them you want some Tropical Play sand, and tell them Patrick sent you!


Say Wally as long as I'm basking in the glow of my Southdown....don't you have something to tell Sweet :D :D :D


Say Wally as long as I'm basking in the glow of my Southdown....don't you have something to tell Sweet :D :D :D


Diatom, How much did you buy?
I just got a call from Craig in utter amazement! They have sold 4 pallets in 1 and a half days! Looks like southdown may be the permanent play sand in my local homedepot!


New Member
I am interested in contacting him. I live in Fresno, CA. Let me know how I can get some. My email is csufman@yahoo.com Thanks

oldest salt

New Member
Hey sweet
Help an old man out. What the hell is so special about southdown sand.
OK, the rest of you guys lay off me. I don't believe there is a dumb question, just an uninformed old salt.


Southdown sand is the exact same thing as "Carib Sea" pure argonite oolite sugar sand. Carib Sea is sold in fish stores for approximately $21.00 for 30lbs. Carib Sea and southdown is packaged at the same plant just different bags. Southdown costs $3.00 for a 50lbs at home depot. So instead of paying $100 for a deep sand bed in a 90 gallon aquarium you pay $9.00. With the money you save you can buy a couple of nice starter fish!

oldest salt

New Member
Thanks man! I'm very familiar with " carib Sea" and the price. I really appreciate the info on southdown. I'll be checking with the local HD here in Madison.
I get to Rochester two/three times a year. My wife is from Kasson. I'll stop at Wendy's and introduce myself next time we're coming through.
Thanks again sweet!


Is HD the only place that usually carries Southdown? I was at my local HD today to get the finishing touches for my stand and took time to see if they had any southdown. They didn't have it. Just wanted to see if anyone else carried it.


Several home improvement stores have carried southdown, HD is the only one that regularly stocks it. If I remember right, the place that receives the southdown off the ship is in Jacksonville, so depending on where you are, you may be able to go get a truck full for $20.00 you just have to shovel yourself. But just do not mention fish and sand in the same sentance because they are under contract not to sell "reef" sand to anyone but Carib sea if you go to the distributor.


If you you decide to go and get some...make sure you tell them it is for your bushes and yes it's the right stuff and yes you've used it before...if they ask about reefs, or fish, or anything like that, just play dumb.
Best of luck,


If anyone learns of a name change, keep us posted. I will be in need of some sand after the first of the year.


The company that they are merging with is called Cemex. I was serching the web last night and came across it.

oldest salt

New Member
I read this whole thread the other day and I can't remember if the following information was posted or not. So, if this is general knowledge forgive me i'm having a senior moment.
The above post mentioned that Southdown was being bought out by Cemex. I too, searched the web and found out that Southdown is based in Houston. Maybe somebody in Houston could do a little background work and see if the sand could be made available or where we could get some.
Just a thought.
The Oldest Salt
[ December 05, 2001: Message edited by: Oldest Salt ]


Actually if you go to the Cemex web page it shows all of its plants throughout the world. I'm not sure of the web page though.