180 gal cycle??


OK, I've got my 180 gal tank/50 gal sump full of water and running...75 lbs of cured live rock and 48 oz of special blend microbe for bacterial help... I added a 5" piece of squid 3 days ago... I have nothing on the ammonia scale.... Do I need to add more squid?? raw shrimp? anything to get this cycle started. Is it possible that I have enough biology in the tank that It won't cycle?


Active Member
It's perfectly possible...
Has the squid broken down (rotted) yet? Squid is a tough meat, it could take a bit??


Active Member
i dont think that with only 75 pounds of live rock in a 180 that it would skip a cycle , but thats just my opinon.. maybe if you have 100- 200 pounds of live sand in there it would!


Active Member
75lbs of rock in a 180 gallon tank is no where near enough. heck, i have 90lbs in my 75gal. you may never even see a cycle.


Active Member
It should still cyclewith that piece of squid in there, it takes awhile sometimes to get a cycle started, if you are in a hurry to gjump start it put in some uncured LR, but that just prolongs the cycle once it starts because of all the die off on uncured rock. I have always used a raw shrimp, not squid, ao not sure how long it will take.


I will go get a couple pieces of raw shrimp. See if that will help kick it in gear. I don't know maybe that Special Blend microbe was the ticket.
I'm only putting in 75lbs of lr cause I want her to have plenty of room to swim and grow. My big wet/dry is a cpr3000 with plenty of biobail for one fish. My LFS has a 20" Queen trigger in a 180 with no LR just Bioballs and she's been there for 6 years. The one I'm getting is only about 8". Thanks for the replys.