180 gallon shark tank


I am thinking about getting a 180 gallon shark tank.And I am thinking about what fish to have in it(along with some shark(s)).These are the list of fish I may put in the tank.
List #1:
-marbled cat shark
-brownbanded bamboo shark
-california stingray
List #2:
-marbled cat shark
-white spotted bamboo shark
-california stingray
List #3
-miniatus grouper
-volitans lionfish
-porcupine puffer
-humu picassio triggerfish
-marbled cat shark
-california stingray
Let me know which one is the best for my tank and some advice on those fish on that list!


Well-Known Member
Hi, and welcome to the site!
I won't get onto your crazy stock list. Yep, crazy. List #3 is way off
LOL...180g is not large enough, try 400g to 700g tank for those critters. The sting ray alone needs a tank larger then your 180g. A nice lady on this site, "Meowzer" had a stingray in her 225g tank and had to rehome it in no time, because it needed a bigger tank and outgrew the 225g within months. I know 180g sounds like a big tank, but it really isn't when you compare it to the ocean, where those critters live.


Active Member
The main problem is that 180 gallons is not a shark or sting ray tank. In terms of those critters, that is a very small aquarium for them, where they may only be happy for a few months at best.


If I can't have sharks or rays,then can I have these fish in a 180:
Miniatus grouper
Violitans lionfish
Porcupine puffer
Humu humu triggerfish
Snowflake eel


Originally Posted by FOWLR13 http:///t/396180/180-gallon-shark-tank#post_3529280
If I can't have sharks or rays,then can I have these fish in a 180:
Miniatus grouper
Violitans lionfish
Porcupine puffer
Humu humu triggerfish
Snowflake eel
That is a more realistic stock list. Just take your time adding them. All of those fish are big poopers. What kind of skimmer are you planning on?


But the only problem is that I really want a shark.I was looking at taking out the trigger and puffer.And having a marbled cat shark along with the lionfish,grouper,and the eel.I know that sharks and rays need at least a 300 gallon.But a marbled cat shark only grows up to 2 ft.Which means it has more than enough room to swim and turn around easily.


No, it won't.
A 2ft long fish, especially a shark that needs to swim constantly to survive, should not be in a 180 and is not going to be happy in one. You'd really be doing the fish a huge injustice.