180 new setup


New Member
i just set up my 180 i got a eheim coral and dolomite my ? is do i have to get a uv to run angels ?


welcome to the board , congrats on your 180 setup, how about a little more info on your tank ,when did u setup/finish cycle, what type of filters, LR , LS , Skimmer, what is your ultimate goal what do u want to keep in the tank ? personally i used to run a u/v and now i don't i don't think they are required if u do a proper quaritine of all new fish


New Member
im new to saltwater so i havent cycled it yet im just trying to get the best info on salt first i have a 6 inch bed of crushed coral a eheim filter and plenty of live rock and coral i allways had african chiclids in the tank and i want to switch to salt any info is good


well u will get lots of diff opions so here is mine if u want to switch to SW ,first go buy a book called The Consiqensist Marine Aquarist by Robert Fenner , after you are done reading then clean tank up make up saltwater use a DSB ( deep sand bed live sand 4" deep ) and lots of LR (live rock about 200lbs or so ) now u got your filter let is cycle for 4 weeks or so , before that time u will have lots more questions so feel free to fire away , i read 3 books for 3 months before i even bought my tank, reading is your best bet for succeding in the SW hobby


New Member
do i need a wet dry and a uv i read some where that u dont nesessary need a uv and do i have to go with the sand or can i use the crushed coral


i would not get a u/v take that money and put it towards a good high end skimmer, as far as CC verses DSB that is a complicated situation lots of dif views on that , i had CC and switched to DSB less maintence no need to vacum gravel etc, and no need for wet dry in my opion so money saved on w/d could be used for sand, however if u go to cc i ould get the wet dry even although they are known to be nitrate factories


New Member
so i should get about a 4 to 5 inch bed a dsband a skimmer can i use my 50 50 lights or do i have to change the lighting aswell


if u are just keeping fish with LR u should be fine with your standard lights if u want corals down the road then still stick with your standard lights for now and when and if u decide on corals then u will need to upgrade to PC lights VHO's or MH's depending on what u want to keep


New Member
thank u so much im sure ill have a million more ?s down the road for now i will do the sand and start my cycle


don't forget the LR,
if u add live rock later on and it is not fully cured u will end up getting mini cycles along the way which could kill any fish u might have added
don't forget the book either


Active Member
yes as almark mention that is a really good book.. and if you can buy all the live rock you can before you cycle your tank.. use the live rock to cycle the tank.. `