180 Oceanic Reef Setup For Sale in VA


New Member
I have an Oceanic 180 gal. drilled Reef tank. I special ordered it from them with an end overflow system. The overflow box is at one end of the tank to allow the tank to sit out from a wall and be viewed on 3 sides. The overflow box is approx. 3/4 the width of the end of the tank and is centered. The tank sits on an Oceanic stand, 36” tall. Basically I used the tank as a room divider, coming out from the wall, so I wanted the bottom of the tank to sit at a height even to the top of the back of my couch. I had the stand professionally painted black with a white ********. The tank and stand are in excellent shape, no scratches.
The system is filtered by a complete Lifereef LF1-200 Berlin setup. If you look at the picture on the Lifereef website of this system you’ll see everything that I have, including the 3 filter canisters. Instead of the normal 24” skimmer that’s included with the filter system I opted for the 48” stand-alone protein skimmer. I also have several power heads for water movement.
Lighting is as follows; 2 Icecap 660 ballasts, 4 bulbs (2 actinic and 2 daylight) all bulbs have waterproof end caps on them.
I also have an RO/DI water filter, Kent Maxxima
I also have separate Lamotte test kits; ph, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, calcium
I sold everything else that I originally had with this system (MH lighting, chiller, float switches) a few years ago.
Everything is 7 years old. I had this setup up and running for 2 years with great success, 100 or so lbs. of live rock (which you can have but is dead rock now), 50 or so corals and a few fish. Unfortunately when I moved the new place didn’t allow this tank to be setup for weight concerns. Everything has been sitting in storage for the past 5 years unused. I’ve finally decided that it’s time for me to let this system go and hope that someone will get pleasure out of it. I would like to sell everything as a complete unit. I’m not really interested in parting out. I don’t have any idea what this setup is worth, although I do remember what I paid for everything new. Make me an offer. I’m located in Virginia Beach, VA. and would have to say this should be a pick up only deal. If your not interested in buying this setup could you help me out by stating what you think a fair asking price would be for everything? I can be reached at Fishallot@aol.com
Thanks…. Rob


New Member
Thanks for the replies and e-mails, I've answered them all. I'm not going to part this sytem out. I don't want to be left with something I can't sell. After talking with some people in the business and going through all my old reciepts I've decided to set the asking price at $1500 for everything I have. Considering I paid more than twice that amount when I bought everything I think this is a fair deal. I'm located in Virginia Beach, VA. Zip is 23455.
Edit to the original post... The lighting is VHO.


Great deal for this set-up. I wish I had the room for it since I am in va also but i cant right now. Good luck and i will let some friends know also that this is local and a steal of a price


New Member
I still have this setup for sale. I need to sell it as i'm remodeling the room it's in and it's in the way. Any reasonable offer will be considered.


New Member
I still have this setup for sale. Any reasonable offer will be considered. Last chance before I start advertising in other places.


Fishallot I e-mailed you regarding your system. I am very interested in it. We you please check your e-mail, from menroxxy. I left a phone number for you to call with details, we live in Portsmouth. Thanks so much!!! Let me know if you happened to delete it w/the spam.


New Member
I just sent pics to motocross and Brian69535. I did get your e-mail over the weekend but didn't have any pics to send until today.